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As a videographer/filmmaker, I am passionate most about capturing real moments. Currently, I have two series of short films, Sight Sound Summer (2015) and 95 Days of Summer (2014) which are featured below. I would absolutely love if you would go check out my YouTube and Vimeo pages and subscribe, so if you like what is here, please do so!


So far, I have been solely focused on capturing adventure and free living in my films. I have some very cool ideas in the works to branch out from this as well, including a documentary film I will begin to post more about soon!


If you have any comments, ideas, critique, or collaboration wishes, I would love to hear from you. Please refer to the contact page, or simply comment on YouTube.





Sight Sound Summer

Sight Sound Summer is a series of films featuring summer 2015 adventures. It captures visual moments, the sounds of those moments, and the season we all love most: summer. 

Ep. 1

Ep. 2

95 Days of summer

95 Days of Summer is a 2014 summer series. This is when I began to develop a passion for filmmaking, so these are the first films I created (so view them gently!). The goal of this series was to capture my adventures of my final summer before heading off to college. I did not end up completing the series as I would have liked, however, it taught me a lot about filmmaking and allowed me to grow substantially as a videographer. Here, I feature the last episode of the series. To view more, check out my YouTube page! 

Ep. 8

Feature Films

Here I have some films that don't necessarily fall into a series per say. But none the less, they are pretty neat so I thought I might as well include them. From time to time, I will update these films, so refer to my YouTube/Vimeo pages to find others that aren't featured here!

Spring Break 2015

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